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An ad network for the 21st century

Connecting advertiser and publisher

Advertisers define their ads, including target audiences, budgets, and max bids.
Publishers define their spots, target audiences, min bids.

Both advertiser and publisher will see exact performance of each ad and spot.
Settlements happen after 24 hours, with 80% of all charges going directly to publisher. Confirmable on-chain!


The following assertions are front-and-center:

Protecting user privacy

There is a rising concern for user privacy, and perhaps rightly so. Measures are being mandated and put in place to prevent user tracking across sites, including a phasing out of "3rd-party cookies".
And so, we don't!

Advertisers and publishers define their target audiences, and we simply match them up.
We don't attempt to track uses and we don't attempt to assertain user interests beyond what is likely based on the publishers' description of their audience.

We do check IP-addresses and other technical characteristics of each ad impression for each spot, so we can ascertain if click on an ad is from unique user or not. This is of course required to ensure maximal profit for the publisher, while at the same time protecting the advertiser from click-fraud.
The advertiser should be charge once and only once for a click on a given ad from any unique user from any publisher.


Advertiser deposit a limited amount of USDC on-chain. Deposits are anonymized, but easily confirmable.
Publishers are payed 24 hours after charge. Settlements are also in USDC on-chain, anonymized, and confirmable by both parties.

No credit card or bank account required by either party.

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No problem. We will guide you.

Let's get started

Start by signing in at the top of this page.
If you don't have a crypto wallet such as Metamask set up, then get that set up, and then come back here.

©2024 Andante AS